three Reasons You Should Host a Chelsea Canedy Clinic This Year
Check out these three reasons you should host a Chelsea Canedy clinic this year.
You want to train with Chelsea, but you don’t live near her farm.
​Bring Chelsea to you! Trailering your whole barn to Unexpected Farm in Maine isn't always doable, so hosting a clinic at your place is the perfect way to bring top-quality education to you and your barn mates. ​
​You’re curious about using groundwork and positive reinforcement in your training, but you don’t know where to start.
Chelsea’s mission is to bring an understanding of horse and human psychology to the performance horse world. She takes a unique approach to training using groundwork and positive reinforcement. If you’re thinking, “Yes, I want to learn how to do that!” a clinic with Chelsea is a great place to get started. ​
You want to build a stronger connection with your horse.
See Chelsea’s mission above. Understanding horse psychology is foundational to building connection with your equine partner and building connection is crucial to reaching your goals – whether you want to just play in the arena or compete at the top level.
If these reasons resonate with you, check out the clinic FAQ below and contact Chelsea at unexpectedfarmmaine@gmail.com about booking a clinic with her this year!

Hosting a clinic FAQ
What is the pricing structure for clinics?
Daily rate is $1,600, which includes a morning talk and up to 8 hours of sessions. Sessions may be private or semi-private.
The cost of auditing is up to the organizer. At the end of the clinic, the clinic host retains 75% of earnings from auditors.
Are travel costs included in the clinic fee?
Travel costs vary and are paid by the clinic organizer in addition to the daily rate.
What’s the best number of days for a clinic?
Two days is ideal. You can host a one day or even a half day, though it's helpful to build skills over two days. Three days is also a possibility, depending on the topic and number of participants.
What are some clinic topics you teach?
Positive reinforcement basics (level 1)
Positive reinforcement from the ground to under saddle (level 2)
Groundwork for competitive horses and riders
Laying your flatwork foundation
Jumping with horse and rider confidence
Introducing your horse to cross-country questions